Thursday, June 17, 2010

A good day! Finally!

We had a really good day today. Hooray! She woke up around 6, we fed and then went back to sleep for a while. Bill made us breakfast before he had to make a conference call for work around 10. We fed again around 10, with a little fussing, but when she screamed we just took a break and put in the pacifier or walked around. Then I switched sides even though I could tell there was plenty of milk in the first breast, but it made her happy so that's what we do!
I went to meet some mom friends at noon, not realizing that our lunch date was NEXT thursday! Oh well. Callie and I had a nice lunch, well I had a nice lunch and she slept. We went to our yoga class. And as luck would have it she was absolutely perfect up until class started! The stinker. So I fed her a bit and used the pacifier and soon she was fine, especially when we got to use scarves in our yoga poses. She loved it! It was like you could hear her say: "Ooooooh. Pretty!" We finished up and she of course was dead asleep by the end of the class. We had some time to share out with the group with our struggles which helped.
We headed home where Bill was trimming the ginormous hedges. We fed for a bit and then a friend came over who taught us a bit of infant massage to help with the colic and the acid reflux. I went to lay down with her for a while and we tried doing a lying down hold to feed and it worked fairly well except she kept falling asleep. But that's ok, we got a good nap in! We got up and did a real feeding and headed out to REI to get a wedding present for some friends getting married this weekend and managed to eat dinner out at Chevy's. As dinner was winding down she started getting antsy so I took her out of the stroller so she could gawk at all the lights in the restaurant. We got home and discovered a poopy diaper, finally! She's been going every other day, which may be part of the reason why she gets so upset at night. So it was time for a bath! And that was our day! A good one! If we have more days like today with minimal fussing I can definitely handle it! What do you say Callie? Same plan tomorrow?

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