Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I got to thinking the other day, motherhood is probably the most thankless job I have ever had in many respects. It all started with something that Bill said when we were walking back from the Shark Tank after Callie's first sharks game. I was jibing him about waking her up during her morning nap. He explained that he was getting her stuff transferred back to my car and said "That's the thanks I get?" To which I said, "And what thanks do I get?" And its true, as a mom of an infant you don't get much. When you are working in a traditional job you receive thanks and feedback. If I was teaching, I would get a "Thanks for going over my essay with me Ms. CG." or "Thanks for that review session." or "Good morning" even! Sometimes that thanks is simply monetary. That is communicative of a job well done. My "employer" can't talk and say "Thanks mom, you rock." "Thanks mom for making my food." Thanks mom for wiping my ass 8 times a day." "Thanks mom for making sure I'm safe and loved." Moms do all of those things and so much more but sometimes it just seems expected. Sometimes I feel like I am taken for granted around here. If we had Callie in day care we would be giving her caretaker thanks in the form of money. I guess sometimes I would just like to hear that I am doing a good job because everyone needs that from time to time.
On the other hand, motherhood is the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. Maybe I get my thanks from Callie through her smiles and her ridiculously adorable laugh. I feel thanked when she gives me that sloppy open mouthed kiss on half of my face. I feel thanked when she snuggles into my neck and goes to sleep. I feel thanked when she looks up at me with sleepy eyes and plays with my hair. I feel thanked when I think about how blessed I am, even if no one says it out loud to me.

1 comment:

  1. Well, although I cannot speak for Callie, I am so very thankful that you are such an amazing mom. You feed her all of the best homemade food from fresh ingredients without preservatives or chemicals, you feed her your own body's milk, you use cloth diapers and natural fibers so that her skin stays healthy, you take care of her all day and night long, and have little rest, and you wake up in the morning happy to hold her. You take her to classes and on adventures every single day so that she grows in many different ways. She's so very lucky to have you as a Mom, and she'll be telling you soon. Until then, you'll have to go on my word.
