Friday, December 3, 2010

First Sleepover at Grandma's House

So tonight is the night. This is the night that I would have given my left arm for in the first few months of Callie's life. A night where our house was silent. And now? I am dreading it. It has absolutely nothing to do with my mom or her ability to care for Callie and love her so completely. I hope she doesn't take this personally. This is about me. Obviously, she knows what to do, she's raised 2 kids already! And she was the one we called on the first night home from the hospital when formula was shooting out of Callie's nose! She was the one who volunteered to help when I was descending into the darkness. She was the one that got puked on after Callie's first vaccinations. She is not the stereotypical grandma telling you "You know what you need to do is..." And I have really appreciated the fact that Bill and I have been able to navigate the triumphs and pitfalls of new parenting without too many slip ups.
I know they are going to have a great time. I just don't know how I am going to do. So, we decided to make a night of it, Bill and I are going to see Passion Pitt in Santa Cruz. Otherwise, I was afraid I would be sneaking outside my mom's house and peering in the window until one of her neighbors would call the police! I know she will be safe, warm, loved and entertained. I guess I just don't know how to be without her. Its one thing to go out on date night for an hour or two, but a whole night? A whole night knowing she isn't in the next room? A night where we aren't giving her a bath and hearing her giggle and splash and babble? A morning where I don't just tiptoe into her room and watch her sleeping and watch her slowly wake up until she recognizes me and smiles a smile that lights up so much that it could power a whole house?
But I know its the right thing for her to have these nights and for me too, I suppose. I want her to have a great relationship with her grandma. I still remember having sleepovers at my grandma's house. She would always have butterscotch pudding ready in the fridge for us. I want Callie to have that too. The fun times at grandma's house. A place where she can play and make cookies and chase the hens around the yard and laugh at Jack the dog.

I've brought it up in my mom's support group and with other mom friends and the response is the same from most of them. First their eyes widen and then they say something like "Ooooh. Yikes. I don't know if I could do that. Let me know how that goes." I certainly will. Hopefully the police won't be involved:)

1 comment:

  1. I cried at first when Tru went off in the car with my sister the night after T-day. Then I enjoyed sleeping in so much!!!!!!!
