Wednesday, October 6, 2010

No Sleep Til...Ever??

Ok Mamas and Papas out there. We need you. We need ideas, tips, wacky theories, anything. Our Miss Callie hasn't slept well at night in well over a month. Before that she would sleep 6 hours straight. Now we're lucky if we get 2-3. At first we thought it was teething, but the teeth are out now. Then she was sick, but she's not coughing or sneezing anymore. We started solids. I was typically giving them to her in the last afternoon around 4pm or so. That helped a little but not much. The past few days are making us run pretty ragged around here. She woke up around 11pm ready to play play play. I got up with her and put her in her exersaucer and she was content, giggling and the whole nine yards. Eventually she started getting sleepy so I laid her down in our bed. No dice. She started screaming. So I got up again and snuggled with her while I laid on the couch and she fell asleep almost instantly. I would have stayed there all night, but it was horribly uncomfortable, for me at least. So the battle began in earnest. We got so desperate last night that we made her some cereal at 3:30 in the morning and gave it to her. After she ate it she was still wired and wanting to play. I got her calmed down and she fell asleep on me and the minute I put her down in her cosleeper she starts screaming. So I started over. I got her really drowsy and put her in her crib with her womb sounds giraffe. She was just staring at it, so I thought I could get away with it. And I did for a couple of hours. I think I got 3 hours out of it until she woke up screaming.

Bill is so frustrated he just wants to put her in her crib and let her scream, but I'm not convinced. First of all, that typically doesn't work with her, she just gets more and more worked up rather than passing out. And second, it just seems cruel to everyone involved, including the neighbors, cuz damn...that girl has some serious lung power.

So mamas and papas, help us out here. Any ideas?? We will try just about anything at this point.


  1. I read all the books and felt most in alignment with Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. Tru has trended to everything in the book (and fingers crossed since 3-4 months has slept 6-6 now 7-7, two naps a day (one for up to 2 hours; one for 45 mins) Better naps does seem to create better nighttime sleep for him. It got better when he started sleeping in his own room. I do a littler routine: bath, read, play naked, eat, nighty-night.

    As far as the book: Take what you like, leave the rest!

  2. Thanks Courtney! I knew you would have an idea for me! We are going to try to really stick to a routine. So tonight it was a bath, some cereal (which she devoured!) and off to bed. Cross your fingers for us. Thank you again for the routine idea!!
