Monday, October 4, 2010

Callie's First Cold:(

Over the weekend, Callie got her first cold. Friday night we took her to the homecoming football game at Monta Vista. It was actually a really fun time. It practically became the baby section! But apparently we weren't bundled up tight enough, because Callie and I got hit with a nasty cold.
Saturday we went up to Santa Rosa for a wedding and it was that night that it hit. Callie had been sneezing off and on but we really didn't think much of it at first because she does that a lot. We had a nice time at the wedding and then left her with my mom in the hotel room for the reception. But apparently we were the only ones that read the invitation that said "adult only reception" because all of the other kids from the wedding were there. But honestly, we were happy to have a little break. We came back to the room after it was over and was surprised to see our little miss still awake. It was that night that the cold made itself known to us both. She didn't sleep much and my throat was on fire.
She finally slept for a 3 hour chunk from 7-10am and we were feeling a bit better. So we decided to order room service! This is something we hardly ever do. But it just sounded so perfect. I was feeling like crap and we didn't feel like figuring out where to eat with her. So we ordered in. It was fabulous. Bill's parents came by for a visit as well. We started our drive back home and I started taking a turn for the worse. What I was really craving was Saturn Cafe in Santa Cruz, some of their tomato soup and turkish coffee and peanut butter milkshakes. We were close to berkeley so we were going to head to Cafe Intermezzo, one of our favorite places (I mean, really, what's not to like about salads and sandwiches bigger than your face!) when Bill made a wrong turn and what did we find?! A Saturn Cafe in Berkeley! WHAT?! So that's where we went. We had a nice meal until our little miss decided to slam her cheek into the side of the table. Her cold was starting to get worse as well. So we packed it all up and went home.
Last night was pretty darn rough. Poor Callie couldn't breathe very well through her nose, which made it hard for her to nurse which is of course all she wants to do when she feels icky. Which meant it was time for the evil bulb syringe. Poor girl hates it but its the only way to help the little ones with their noses. Sure would be nice to hold up a kleenex to her nose and say "blow." We all napped for a while which helped the sick girls immensely. We got up to watch some tv together and the damndest thing happened. I had been holding her on my leg for an hour or so and she was doing fine. I passed her off to Bill so I could eat some food and she starts screaming at the top of her lungs! I was right next to her. Then all of a sudden she put her hand on me and let out this humongous sigh through her pacifier that almost propelled it out of her mouth. And she was fine. We talked about how she needed to be close to me even more so now that she was sick. Poor baby. One of the toughest things is to see her face and know how crappy she feels and how upset she is. She obviously doesn't understand what "being sick" is and that she will feel better soon if she just rests.
There were some very rough times last night. It was just so hard because I was so sick too. Getting her to sleep was really hard. We got out the humidifier and that eventually did the trick. But it was like it was when we first brought her home from the hospital, she would be dead asleep on me but the minute her head hit the bassinet or even our bed she was screaming.
She is doing better today, but we are definitely taking it easy. And I came out into the kitchen to find that Bill had picked up a bagel and some jamba juice for me for breakfast. I was so happy. Luckily, Bill is going to come home early tonight to give me some rest so we can all get healthy again. But it has definitely been interesting. I am so used to getting sick and just laying on the couch all day and then I would be fine the next day. It is definitely different when you are taking care of someone else first and yourself second.

1 comment:

  1. I remember Logan's first cold, and the nose bulb. Logan hated it too, But like you said, it had to get done. We even made a trip to the ER, that made Logan fall asleep, for the rest of the night. Made try taking a illte joy ride to help her sleep?
